Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ideal Safeguarding Tips for Concealable Body Armor

Concealable body armor is a type of ballistic vest that tender both convenience and protection against handgun bullets and low-caliber pistol shots. Generally, body armors must be kept and properly preserved leading to the carrying out of its sole aim a hundred one percent. Armor preservation connotes the carrying out of the “dos” and avoiding the “don’ts” of using the vests. Below are the few ideal safeguarding tips that a vest wearer may or may not consider.

Concealable body armor must be washed and cleaned thoroughly and appropriately

Vests cost a lot of money. Therefore, it needs to be handled with care of as much as possible. Sweats and other particles in the air are factors that can deteriorate the performance of vests. First, wearers ought to hand wash the vest in cold water with mild detergent soap. Commercial laundry and dry cleaning are “no-no” in vest preservation. Additionally, vest protective panels must not be submerged to water since it can loosen and damage the fabric. Thus, affecting the ballistic or stab resistant performance of the vest. Lastly, bleached water is another component to stay away from.

Concealable body armor must never be exposed to direct sunlight

Ultraviolet rays coming from the sun are confirmed to significantly root to degradation of armor protection levels. As a matter of fact, drying them even under a shade is not recommended as well. Therefore, if these drying techniques are not possible to avoid fabric dilapidation, how much worse does commercial drying bring about to your vest?

Concealable body armor must be checked from time to time before wearing it

It should be examined for wears and tears. If the material is not properly crusted with the permanent cover, the best thing to do is return it to the manufacturer for replacement. Never attempt to sew slacken off thread and unraveled fabric from your end. It will just add blaze to the flame. Do not ravage your life in off beam decision.

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