Monday, March 26, 2012

Poring Over Facts about Concealable Body Armor

Concealable Body Armor is highly known among regular law-enforcers and private civilians. Do you know what is the reason behind this? It is not solely about convenience. Though, comfort is one of the good factors that this type of vest cater to the users, protection is also another feature to count on. More elaborately, this type of vest has several characteristics that hard-metal vests cannot.  Do you know what those are? Well, take a closer look at these facts about this soft body vest.

Concealable body armor offers a better protection than the hard-metal ones

Do you know that in spite of the hard metal plates of the Level IV body vests, soft body armor offers a better safeguarding to the users? Yes, you absolutely heard it right. Soft body armors have the ability to be concealed under normal clothing. Vests are created to protect the wearer from the piercing bullets and stabs. Accordingly, a vest can be more effective when the enemies do not have the idea that you are wearing a protective armor, right? On the contrary, hard-metal body vests are too exposed to the enemy’s sensitivity. Tendency is that, they will not strike you on the part they know that is protected. Therefore, they may fire you straight in head, groin or neck.

Concealable body armor offers better comfort      for both user and his wallet

Soft body armor makes use of more affordable material components. Specifically, soft vest body armors have a lower protection level as compared to the hard-metal vests. Nonetheless, as far as comfort is assessed, these soft vests are highly-applauded in giving the users the perfect ease in movement. Aside from that, this is considerably the best friend of the users who have a very tight budget yet need protection all the time. Generally, body armor Level IV manufacturers provide the clients the pros and cons of both types of vests to aid in selection.

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